The Washington Economics Group

Our Services

WEG possesses a range of comprehensive services that are customized to each client. We offer personalized economic solutions for better business decisions. Every business needs an economist’s expertise and service, and our team includes the best economic experts based in Florida and Latin America. WEG experts offer the best economic solutions to assist in your business decision-making.

This is a core service with significant demand from clients. WEG’s Economic Impact Studies quantify the importance of your business activities or project. We estimate the influence or effect that your business, investment or specific project has on the community, city, region or state, focusing on jobs created, labor income, value added, and fiscal contributions to both governments and communities of local, county, state and national levels. Economic Impact Usefulness of Economic Impact Studies:
  • For public relations, investor relations, governmental advocacy, community relations and business development needs for your clients.
  • The Economic Impact Studies can also be presented by our WEG Team of Economists to your clients for business development purposes. Our 30 years of service provides a significant amount of credibility to your efforts.
  • The economic impact estimates that are provided by WEG’s Economic Impact Studies lend important and credible support to your investment or business decision from an economic impact perspective. WEG quantifies both direct and indirect economic benefits from your business activity. This is the best way to highlight the importance of your business, your business expansion plans, investment or your specific project.
WEG’s team of economic experts uses these guidelines for your customer experience:
  • Initial session with the client to assess objectives of the study.
  • Calculation of multiplier impacts of client operations on the market area served such as output, income, jobs and induced tax revenues, utilizing professionally accepted methodologies.
  • An assessment of external benefits to the market area studied, as a result of project’s activities that are not quantifiable, such as quality of life issues, building and enhancing a skilled labor force, expansion of the technology frontier and other specific attributes of the client.
  • Expert testimony to internal or external constituencies on the results of the project. These customized presentation may include external constituencies of the firm, congressional or legislative bodies, commissions, executive branch officials at both the federal or State of Florida levels, as well as media interviews and articles favorable to the client.

The Economic Impact of Sports Recreation Activities in Florida, July 2005

Innovative Economic Development Strategies for U.S., States and Regions

Economic Development Strategies

The firm has significant expertise in developing 21st Century Economic Development Strategies for U.S. States, with particular expertise on the State of Florida.

This premier service is directed by WEG’s Principal and Founder, Dr. Tony Villamil. His vast experience as a former U.S. Undersecretary of Commerce, and most recently as head of Economic Development of Florida, has led to successful client engagements. Among these are:

  • Enterprise Florida, Inc.- Strategic Trends Impacting 21st Century Economic Development
  • The City of West Palm Beach
  • The State of Louisiana- Strategic Global Expansion
  • Various Economic Development Organizations of Florida

Market Analysis for Corporate Expansion

Florida and Latin America

WEG has successfully conducted market studies to determine the feasibility of corporate expansion in the growing markets of Florida and in Latin America.

Each study is carefully developed, based on client objectives and tolerance for risk. WEG’s approach is to determine first the product/services contemplated for expansion, together with the goals and objectives of the planned expansion into the selected markets.

Then, the firm conducts an “environmental scan” of key income, demographic, economic and competitive trends, and determines the potential for revenue growth in the targeted markets, offering recommendations for efficient market entry.

Speaking Engagement

High-value added professional speaking and corporate training services, customized to meet client objectives. All our programs are customized based on client requirements, and can be conducted in both English or Spanish.

Dr. Tony Villamil, Founder and Principall leads this successful practice of WEG’s, imparting clients with his unique knowledge of over 25 years of recognized experience as a top business economist and senior advisor to executives, public officials and elected leaders of the U.S. and the Americas.

  • Keynote speeches on current business, economic, public policy and international topics
  • Customized executive briefings, corporate training programs and seminars
  • Strategic planning retreats for corporations, public entities and non-profit institutions
  • Fees vary according to client requirements and geographical location

Sample Topics:

  • Strategies for Success under the Darwinian Economics of the 21st Century
  • Managing Oppotunities and Risks in the Emerging Markets of Latin America
  • The Growing and Diverse Marketplace of Florida
  • U.S. Hispanic Market Trends
  • U.S. Trade Policy for the New Milennium
  • U.S. and Global Economic Forecasts
  • Corporate Positioning for the Free Trade Area of the Americas
  • Globalization
  • Economic Outlook for Business Planning

EFI International Office Summit-May 4 by Wegcom

Corporate Expansion

Corporate expansion services for Florida can lower your business’ cost of entry and/or expansion in the rapidly growing Florida marketplace, enhancing long-run profitability and strategic positioning.

  • Market analysis among Florida regions, counties and municipalities, based on client’s expansion requirements.
  • Development of an incentives strategy and representation for maximum federal, state and local incentives that are applicable.
  • Advice on financial structuring for the planned expansion, including introducing and representing the client with selected investment and commercial financial entities.
  • Community and governmental relations services, including activities to raise the image of the corporation and its top officers in Florida and in the chosen community. 

Chess board in the boardroom

Strategic business development services are customized to meet client objectives, with particular emphasis in the growing marketplaces of Florida, Mexico, Central and South America.

  • Customized marketing strategies for business expansion in Florida and Latin America.
  • Country risk assessments for investment decisions and credit exposure in the emerging markets of Latin America.
  • Corporate spokesperson activities such as presentations to customers/prospects of the client and speeches on behalf of the client at public or private meetings and conferences.
  • Strategic intelligence on business and economic development, with the objective of positioning the client to benefit from them.
  • Analysis and tracking of trade and public policy at the federal and state levels that may impact a client’s business.


Estimation and Forecasting Retail Sales in Florida 

Best Choice for Retiring Boomers: Head South – An Analysis of Selected U.S. Cities. April 2012

A White Paper analysis of trends and preferences which indicated that the tens of millions of Baby Boomers who are searching for the ideal place to retire should look to Southern college towns for the best combination of climate, cost of living, health care and other top priorities. The WEG White Paper presented a comparison of 20 prospective ideal “Boomer” retirement communities.  Florida’s capital city of Tallahassee, ranked number one in the country. The WEG White Paper builds on the first major survey in 10 years of retirement relocation preferences, which was conducted by Mason-Dixon Polling & Research.

WEG White Paper Tallahaseee 4-16-12

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