The Washington Economics Group

Tony Villamil Quoted in “The Prescription for America’s Economy” by JBS News

Tony Villamil, Founder and Principal Advisor of The Washington Economics Group and Dean of the St. Thomas University School of Business advocates for growth-based policy as the smart way to solve the current economic situation as he points out that in this “stage of an economic cycle, the economy should be expanding at a 3% to 4% annual rate, not at the tepid 2% or less as is the case today.” In his recent OpEd posted in the Miami Herald on June 19, 2012, which was picked up by JBS News, Villamil states that the “federal debt/GDP ratio is on an unsustainable path, with the federal debt held by the public surpassing 100 percent of GDP in a few short years,” adding that, “if we desire stronger economic and employment growth, we need a market-credible, long-term fiscal plan that places the federal debt/GDP ratio on a declining scale.” 

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