The Washington Economics Group

Miami Today Quotes Tony Villamil on the Rise in South Florida’s Health Care Costs

Miami Today Quotes Tony Villamil on the Rise in South Florida’s Health Care Costs

In the past two months, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) reveals that medical care costs have risen far faster than in the rest of the nation. Miami’s medical care costs jumped a significant 3.2 percent over the past two months, part of a 5.9 percent increase over the past year. Notably, this far exceeds the nation as a whole that experienced a 2.3 percent increase in medical care costs since June last year. In the Miami Today, WEG Principal and Founder, Tony Villamil, cites the Affordable Care Act as a potential factor that is driving up the cost of health care in South Florida. He says that “anywhere from 300,000 to 400,000 low-income residents in Miami-Dade will now remain uninsured and be restricted for their care to emergency rooms, whose use in non-emergency circumstances increases healthcare costs across the county.” Read full article (with subscription)

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