The Washington Economics Group

Tony Villamil Quoted by Sun-Sentinel on Cuba Reforms Following the Death of Fidel Castro

Tony Villamil, WEG Founder and Principal, was interviewed by Marcia Heroux Pounds for a November 28, 2016 article in Sun-Sentinel on Cuban reforms necessary to boost economic activity with S. Florida, In his interview, Tony stated that there are only limited activities allowed under the U.S. trade embargo that remains in effect against the island. President Obama’s executive orders have allowed more activity, including travel from the United States. Those executive orders could be used “as a tool” to urge political and economic reforms. Cuban tourism has increased since Obama’s changes and that has boosted the “self-employed” restaurant operators, which are now allowed but still controlled by the Communist-led government. He also added…”The dollars are coming in, and the regime benefits from that. They have no incentive to change,” Villamil said. “So far, the benefits have gone only one way — right now, through remittances [money going to the Cuban people] and tourism going to Cuba. Those are income and dollars leaving South Florida for Cuba.” Read full story

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