The Washington Economics Group

Villamil Interviewed by Palm Beach Post on US Employment Report

Labor Department figures of the national employment situation released on January 4th reveal a slowly improving economy with the unemployment rate at 7.8% with 155,000 jobs created in December.  As noted by journalist Emily Roach in the January 4th issue of the Palm Beach Post, many economists have been disappointed  with the rate of recovery and job creation. Interviewed on this topic, Tony villamil, WEG Founder and Dean of School of Business at St. Thomas University said that “at this stage you really want to be growing at a solid rate in the economy to be making a dent in unemployment, you should be at 200,000 or 250,000 monthly in job creation,” adding that “unless we get the economy moving, from around 2% plus -4% growth, we’ll never decrease the debt to GDP burden.” 

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