The Washington Economics Group

WEG Founder and Principal Interviewed by Sun-Sentinel on August Employment Report

Tony Villamil, WEG Founder and Principal, was interviewed by Ron Hurtibise for a September 19th article in Sun-Sentinel on Florida’s August Employment report.  Florida’s unemployment rate inched up in August to 6.3 percent, just 0.1 percentage point over July’s rate, but nearly a full point below the 7.1 percent rate in August 2013. However Florida’s unemployment rate has been less than or equal to the national rate for the last 16 months, as reported by the Department of Economic Opportunity.  Florida’s job market looks set for steady growth through at least 2015,” said Tony Villamil. He also added that “once we get beyond the summer season and into December and the winter, the unemployment rate should be coming down below 6 percent for Florida.” Click here to read the full article.

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