The Washington Economics Group

Job Creation is Mayor’s Top Priority in 2nd Term

Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos Gimenez  places job creation as his top priority in his second term. Gimenez won re-election in August 2012 to a four year term – in which he promised to attract new investment and to create high paying jobs.  Mayor Gimenez is also a supporter and co-chair of the One Community One Goal Initiative – a collaboration with the Beacon Council. WEG Founder and Principal Advisor and Dean of School of Business at St. Thomas University, Tony Villamil, is the chair of the Economic Roundtable of the Beacon Council and concerning the Mayor’s goals, Villamil was interviewed by Politifact Florida.  Villamil said that “it is difficult to forecast the number of new jobs because changes in the global economy will affect that outcome in Miami-Dade County.”

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