The Washington Economics Group

WEG’s Economic Impact Study of the MDX $800 Million Five-Year Program Highlighted in Miami Today

On November 20th, the Miami Today highlighted the economic impact study prepared by The Washington Economics Group, Inc. of the Miami-Dade Expressway Authority’s (MDX) $880 million five-year program of  transportation infrastructure projects. This major investment is estimated to generate $1.5 billion in total economic impact to the economy of Miami-Dade County and support a significant 10,400 local and high-wage jobs. Furthermore, these transportation infrastructure projects improve mobility and alleviate congestion for the 2.6 million residents and 14.2 million visitors that use Miami-Dade County’s transportation infrastructure each year. The article highlights the importance of the improvements to the County, “These improvements to SR 836 will play a vital role in connecting most of the counties employment and economic generators, that otherwise would be out of financial reach with state or county funding alone.”  Read Full Study

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